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oozing cyst

21 14:22:48

Sabrina is 6 or so and had a lump the size of a green grape on her back - the vet said leave it (it was sort of mushy so I hoped to have it drained). burst and oozed the most raunchy smelling gray thick goop.  I cleaned it as best I could and went to the vet.  The vet cleaned some more but said she couldn't get all of the cystic material. She gave us oral antibiotic - trimethoprim sulfa to finish. We are close to the end of that (maybe 2 doses left) and Sabrina is happy and eats. The wound had closed for a few days, but is oozing the same smelly thick gook today - though it's whiter.  I have been rinsing it with hydrogen peroxide. Questions: do I go to another vet to get it cleaned? keep cleaning it myself?  she's the sweetest little animal - i know she's "old" by some standards, but want to do the best we can for her.  thank you in advance!

Hi Jennifer,

    I am terribly sorry for the delay with this response.  It sounds as if you are doing the right thing by taking her to the vet whenever you have a problem, but getting a second opinion from another vet wouldn't be such a bad idea.  Some veterinarians pretend to know a lot about guinea pigs while they really know very little about the "Exotic" animals.  As long as your pet is happy and eating, you should not have too much of a problem on your hands if the lump does not go away.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                             - Nicole