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my baby guinea pig died

21 14:22:27

A week and three days ago my guinea pig had 5 babies i love them all but i really loved the smallest and weakest he was all white with a black face and i also this he was blind. when i got up this morning i looked in the cage and found my little baby guinea pig dead im heart broken i was histerical i really need to know what happend. did the rest of the pigs kill him? did he just die? please help.

The runt probably never had a chance, being born blind probably wasn't the only thing wrong with him. He probably had other things wrong with him that you couldn't see. The birth of guinea pigs isn't always the easiest and it's very common for guinea pigs to die after birth. It's one reason why a lot of people stop breeding guinea pigs or they never start. It's because there is such a great chance for a pup or mother to die that people don't want to go through the stress of losing one. Unless someone buys both guinea pigs from a breeder you don't know what traits you're passing onto the pups, you could pass deadly genes that could cause one or two to die or one could end up blind like the weakest one.