Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > blood traces on newspaper

blood traces on newspaper

21 14:07:14

Hi- I noticed today that there are blood smears on the newspaper in my
Guinea Pigs' play pen.  I have seen this before with other pigs and figure it is
like a period.  But what I read on the net is that they don't get a period they
go into heat.  Most say they don't ever bleed and this is a dangerous
symptom.  A few say don't worry, it may be an aspect of the heat.  I have 2
girl pigs and cannot tell which it is coming from.  Their bottoms look clean.  I
did hear a little whimpering today, however the bigger but younger one
sometimes bullies the older but smaller one.  The both have beautiful smooth
coats, clean eyes and good appetites.  Hoping it's nothing.  they do chew on
alot of paper bags and cardboard boxes.
Any thoughts on this would help.  Thanks, Barbara

Hi Barbara,

Females do sometimes bleed when they come into heat, so try not to worry unless this continues for a number of days. If you can, try to work out when the bleeding occurs; if it is when your guinea pig is going to the toilet then it suggests a bladder infection. Some of these are serious and some are not, but if you think this could be the cause, please take her (or them both!) to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet.

Try not to let them chew on too many paper bags and cardboard boxes! You can get tubes made from vegetable parchment that are safe for them to gnaw on and to eat ...

If you have any other questions - just ask!

Best wishes,