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Foot irritations?

21 14:04:21

I have jsut noticed a foot irritation on my piggie.  It is flaky and there are some scabs.  I think my piggie made the scabs herself by itching and the last couple days i have seen her biting and itching her foot.  Do you know any cheap alternative other than taking her to the vet because i don't have a lopt of reseources for money other than allowance.  For now i have just washed her foot drying carefully.  The pads are fine it is just the skin around the pads, Toffee (that is my piggie) is not lame or keeping her weight off her foot.  I have also inspected her body and it is not flaky or dandruffy her other feet are not affected either.

             Sasha and Toffee

Hi Sasha (and Toffee),

Make sure that she doesn't have bumblefoot. If she does, you'll need to wash her foot regularly in salt solution, but if it doesn't clear up she will need vetinary care eventually. There's some info about it here:

Otherwise, just keep an an eye on her. Make sure there's plenty of bedding in her cage so she's always walking on a soft surface. There's a fantastic (cheap!) aromatherapy website called that does all sorts of lotions and shampoos for guinea pigs. You might be able to find something to soothe her sore/itchy foot, and I'd recommend getting a trial size bottle of Lice and Easy for when she inevitably gets mites at some point.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask!

Best wishes,
Jenny (and Almeida and Simba)

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What bit Toffee?
