Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guienea pig - roy

guienea pig - roy

21 14:25:53

Hi i really appreciated your help!! My pig is now much better!! i gave him the antibiotics for a week and his breathing has really improved, he does not wheeze anymore. His drops are nearly normal now and he is also eating and drinking normally!! However his lungs seem to move in and out a bit more than that of my other pig. Will i need to continue giving him anything?!! Will my pig be as healthy as any other pig once he has completly recovered this problem? And one last question, will roy be a good normal father because of this illness when he was so young (only 3 months)!!? i will thank you in advance for your help has till now been very useful!!!!

Thanks and be happy because you saved my little piggy!!!!

Usually a week is fine for treatment, he may still breath a little heavy for another week or 2, but he should be perfectly fine, I would however keep him on plenty of vitamins, both vitamins in the water and fruits and veggies, this will make his immune system stay up so he does not catch a URI again. He will be a healthy pig and able to have offspring, just watch out for other URI's in the future, once a pig gets an upper respiratory they usually can catch another one easier the next time around. I would if possible always continue vitamins in the water or a variety of fruits and veggies for this reason. His lungs should be fine after this, I would avoid keeping him in really hot tempuratures or really cold for entended periods of time because this could irritate his lungs more, but as of yet I haven't seen any lasting effects from URI's. Let me know if you have any more questions.