Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Bredding


21 14:34:56

How can you tell if a guinea pig is pregnate what do you look for specificly. If you could tell me what to look for I would appreciate the facts.
Thank you, Very Much
Kevin Behm  

Oh, this is a tough question to answer. I'd have to say the main sign she is pregnant is her side begin to fill in more, and eventually she'll look like she swallowed a grape fruit. It's harder to tell in longer haired breeds. Other signs include increased water and food consumption, irratibility, sleeping a lot, tender when picked up. A guinea pig begins to show at approximately 5 weeks or 35 days. A pregnancy lasts anywhere from 60-75 days, depending on how many she is carrying. I can't really think of too many things to really tell she is pregnant until she actually begins to show. Her urine and feces production may speed up due to increased consumption of food and liquids. Other than that, I just sit back and wait for nature to take its course. I'm sorry I couldn't be any more help. Perhaps you could ask someone else on here if my answer isn't adequate. If there are any other questions you have, I will be delighted to try and answer them for you. Cherish your pigs and have a nice day :)