Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I miss him so Muchhh

I miss him so Muchhh

21 14:16:20

Okay,, well my guinea pig died yesterday? A dog came and picked him up and i think it broke his ribs,. But this may seem weird but before he died he was crying.. and I just want to know if i should miss him and feel as bad as i do.. I cant stop crying.. And if I should Barry him or will other animals just un Barry him again?.. I really want to keep my mind off him although i love him so much, is there any thing i should do to help??

Hi Christine

I am a big, strong, 30 year old man and I cry each time one of my piggies die. It is perfectly normal and healthy to grieve for your pet.

I would find a place to lay him to rest if you can. It might make you feel better.

God bless
