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Introducing two male guineas

21 14:13:00

hi Shawntiah =)

Me and my mum have been discussing for ages about getting another male guinea pig to go with the male we have at the moment .. as a bit of company for him .. we are very keen to get one and have seen one which we think will be perfect .. we want to introduce them as soon as possible but we have a few worries .. we are slightly worried that they will fight for one! and that they will not get along .. what are the best things we can do to introduce them well???


Hello Hollie,
I am all for introducing another guinea pig as they seem to do better with the other. :)
The best way to introduce them is to do it in a new territory and hold them for a while and then place them on the floor. You will notice, butt sniffing, following each other around, grunting, and nipping. Here is a website that talks about introducing two different guinea pigs. :)