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guinea pig spasms

21 14:08:30

Help, my second guinea pig in three months is dying.  She exhibits epileptic like
symptoms.  The first one went downhill in three days.  Eyes rolling and
quivering, listing to one side, head swaying back and forth quickly.  The first one
was on her side and couldn't walk by the second day.  We put her down on the
third day.  She really seems like she is going through some sort of seizure.

Hi Cindy,

Get her to a vets straight away. There are many reasons that she could be having seizures; some will be too serious to treat, but others can be managed with the help of a good vet. Find your nearest one who specialises in small animals, or an emergency vets, and take her there as soon as you can. At the very least, they will be able to give her some painkillers and make her more comfortable. At the best, they will be able to diagnose her condition and bring her back to full health. Guinea pigs go down hill very quickly, so it is important to seek professional advice from a vet as soon as you can if they express any symptoms of serious illness.

I apologise for not answering your question sooner. Very sadly, one of my 10-month old guinea pigs got suddenly ill overnight and had to be rushed to the vets on Friday, and ended up being put to sleep, so I did not make it to work to check my emails. I hope you understand.
