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Guinea Pig Cough

21 13:43:47

My son's guinea pig started coughing last night in the middle of the night and is seeming lethargic today.  Not sure if anything is wrong and I can't take him to the vet yet - I don't have the cash....I am hoping to be able to take him on Wednesday.  Is there anything I can do for him until then?

Sometimes guinea pigs make a noise that sounds almost like they're choking and/or gagging. This sound is normal.

Having said that, the lethargy is not a normal thing. If he is coughing frequently or nearly non stop he may have a respiratory infection. Most cavies don't actually do a great deal of coughing when they have a respiratory infection, but rather have runny noses which can get dark mucus like discharge, runny eyes and become lethargic. That's a serious issue.

Sometimes we can give a 'breathing treatment' of sorts if you happen to have a family member with asthma who uses a nebulizer. You just use water rather than any medication. The mist will help to open the bronchial tubes. It's not a cure, just a temporary relief. The animal still needs medication and needs to see a vet.

You might also try an old fashioned humidifier for the same purpose. The best kind is the cool mist vaporizer as it's not the heat that works but the moisture added to the air. This time of year many of us get respiratory problems from the furnaces that put out heat but reduce the humidity in the air.

"Back in the day" our grandmas used to put a pot of water on the stove and kept it just barely below a boil. It put humidity in the air and helped to eliminate the dry coughs that so often happen, especially if you have forced air central heating.

I know this may not be specific enough for you as I can't tell just by a description if indeed this little guy is sick.  I apologize for not being able to answer you sooner. My husband is very ill and I've been with him day and night, so some of my obligations such as this have not been given the attention they deserve.

As a mom I'm going to ask you to lean on your instincts as to whether this pig seems truly sick, or is he just a bit lazy right now. The best way of course is to get the advice of a vet. I understand the financial constraints of these times and how it sometimes prevents us from being able to seek veterinary help.

I'm hoping what your little pig is doing is the somewhat normal noise that they can make that is easily confused with a true cough. Please let me know how he does.