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death of my guinea pig

21 14:28:09

My daughter and I got "Speedy" (male) about 2 months ago from a girl who worked at the vet. She had to give him away b/c she could not spend much time with him anymore due to college, etc...She showed me his swollen foot (front left paw) which she said she had never had any problem with. Now from my research, I know it was bumblefoot. Anyway, a few times his foot would bleed profusely. Well, today Speedy woke up just fine eating and playing with me and my daughter outside for about an hour. When I picked him up to bring him inside, his foot bled like I've never seen it before. Then he started to feel limp. He was laying down in his cage and my daughter said he squeeled like he never had before. Thinking he might be dying, we held him as his little body got limper and limper. Then he started to shake like convulsions or what might have been shock. He never died while we were holding him but we prayed that God would not let him suffer anymore and then we layed him in his cage and he died almost immediently, with his little eyes open. It was the saddest thing ever. This all happened within about 35 minutes. What could have happened? Do you think he went into shock from blood loss or do you think he had an infection from the foot that just got through his whole body? We just don't know what happened. According to the girl we got him from, he was already about 3 years old. Please tell me what you think could have happened to our sweet Speedy.
Thank you, Heidi

Guinea pigs average lifespan is 5-7 years.

It's hard to say without having seen him in person. A necropsy would have told you for sure. It sounds like he had an infection though, that you should have sought treatment for. Please find a good cavy/exotics vet next time. You usually want to soak the foot and get Antibiotics for it.

Please refer to guinealynx if you have any other questions.