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pregnant cavy

21 13:43:48

I have read here- and in other sources- that the pelvic bones spread when a sow is close to delivering. My question is: when feeling for the spread, is it near the tail on the back or under the tail? My Persephoni has a 15mm spread under her tail, which is up from around 10mm two days ago. I am just not sure if I am feeling in the right place and I want to be ready :-)

It's right under where a tail would be if they had one (just a little fun poking).  You're feeling the right area, and if she's beginning to spread she is a couple of days away, if she hasn't delivered already.

You will notice that they almost feel moveable, but don't press too much to actually flex them. But you're right on target and I hope will send me pictures of the babies when they arrive.