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Skin Mites

21 14:44:10

We have just adopted two female GPs from the local shelter (SPCA) and have them in quorenteen (sp?) for the usual two weeks.  The problem is, every time we adopt new animals it seems we get a case of 'mites' (whether from the animals are from the shelter, local pet shops or shops a thousand kilometers away!!). Question, then, is, is it useful to treat the new animals for the mites (preventative) or wait to see if they develop as in the past? Can the mites be passed on when the animals are in the same room, but different cages (the quorenteen cage is a solid, wooden box with open top but the other cage is below, under its shelf). If the mites can hop at some stage of their development, there's a good chance the whole herd has it now!

Thanks for any and all help in this matter.

Timothy Penny

You need to go to the local feed store, and pick up a tube of Ivermectin (which is a horse wormer) The brand I use is IVERCARE..once you get this, email me for dosing instructions

Mites are contagious, and they can be brought on by it isn't surprising that you get them....when in quarantine, the new guinea pigs should be kept in a separate room from your guinea pigs!!

good luck