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guinea pig (behaviour/ripped ear)

21 14:17:00

Hello, I hope you can help me.  After recently getting a female guinea pig (8-10 weeks old), she appeared to be lonely and not doing much.  We purchased another, thought to be female but turned out male.  Being together for a week before selling the male, our female was very happy, running around, talking and eating.  After seperating them it didn't eat much and went back to being quiet.  Hopefully it's not pregnant.  After having difficulties finding another female pig, we decided to give it to a friend to look after (temporarilay for company) who has 2 female pigs.  One of theirs attacked ours ripping its ear a fair way down and taking a chunk out of the top.  Seperating them immediately, it's back home and appears to be very scared.  She only eats when it is covered up at night but doesn't eat a lot.  When i cuddle her, she shivers and hides up my jumper, she doesn't talk much and hides in her box all day.  We don't know what to do with the ear or how well it will heal.  We also don't know why their pig attacked ours.  The other thing is her eyes are very teary (as though she is crying),unsure if this is normal.  What can we do to make her feel more confident and less scared?  
Thankyou, Kristy

Hello Kristy,

It sounds like your pig is ill. Watery eyes are an indication of illness (usually a URI or a tooth problem). She should see a vet soon. If it is a URI or a tooth issue, she will die without treatment. The ear however, should heal fine. Wash it with a warm salt water solution 2-3 times a day and it should heal well. She'll always be missing a chunk but will be ok. As for why the other pig attacked, some pigs don't get along. For this reason, it is very important to be cautious when introducing them to new pigs and always do so on neutral ground with veggie treats available. He shyness may be resolved as she gets well, if she is indeed ill. Being lethargic and withdrawn often accompanies being ill. If she's still nervous after she is well, time and lots of treats and love will bring her around. Try to keep everything that happens when she's out with you pleasant. Give her treats and cuddles and talk to her soothingly. It takes them time (some more than others) to adjust to their new home and their new person. Once they feel secure, they will open right up. Do see the vet though as she very much sounds like a sick pig. Good luck.
