Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Twitching


21 14:05:16

My guinea pig was asleep in her bed this morning. I checked on her, saw she was sleeping, and watched her for a few minutes.

Suddenly, her eyes started rolling, and her head was twitching. I pushed her side and picked her up. She woke up.

Then i fed her a bit of her favorite veggie, green pepper. She seems much better. Her eyes are shining and her ears and nose have no discharge and are not runny.

I think she is going to be okay, but i want to know what happened.

Thank you.

I am not sure what went on. Though, if she is back to normal, she should be good.

I have heard of guinea pigs being epileptic though. Epilepsy is a disorder that causes seizures.

If you are worried, consult your vet, otherwise, don't worry and enjoy your piggy.

John Kliewer