Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Choosing a Guinea Pig

Choosing a Guinea Pig

21 14:43:45

We are looking for a guinea pig for a pet. When are they weaned? What is a good age to adopt one? When do they reach adulthood? Should we get one or two? We are always home so he would rarely be alone. Anything else you can think of would be helpful.

Thanks - J.

J. --

Guinea pigs are a great pet -- I am glad you are concerned about their welfare.  I will attempt to answer all your questions.

Guinea pigs are weaned are varying ages, depending on the breeder.  Good breeders will not wean until 1-2 months or so.  You will, however, sometimes find animals younger than that in pet stores -- do not purchase these animals -- I find that they often have health problems later.  I would say your best bet is to buy an animal whose size and maturity level interests you.  Younger animals are more active, but they are also more tempamental.  The older an animal is, the more even-tempered, but the less active.  They will reach sexual maturity at about 3-4 months, but full adulthood is at about 6 months.  

I would say that if you are going to be paying it lots of attention, one would be acceptable, but if you are not home much, select two, so they can keep each other company.  My current animal (yes, I only have one) spends a lot of time with my cat, as I am not home much, but they seem to enjoy each others company.  Select an animal from a reputable breeder (call your local cavy breeder's club a referral).  They will help you select a healthy one (or two) with the right temprement for you.

Finally, I will say this, as you select bedding, be sure not to purchase cedar chips.  They smell better than every other option, but they can cause severe allergic reactions (including death) in guinea pigs.

Hope this information was helpful -- if you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
