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will my boar get depressed?

21 14:15:52

I had a sow who i originally got because my boar was picking at a spot on his back and i had read that getting another guinea pig can help distract them from such behaviors. i kept them in separate cages, but i kept the cages close together so they could interact or whatever they do :) well the spot my boar used to pick at went away, and he has gotten way healthier. my sow unfortunately got very sick and could not hold on until her veterinary appointment. My boar now just sits and stairs where her cage was and he isn't pop corning as much as he usually does. I am pretty sure he knows she is gone, and he isn't showing any of the same symptoms that she had. so i do not think he is sick. what i am wondering is how long it will be before my boar starts those behaviors again. Should i get another guinea pig quick for his sake? and, will he be ok with a male, because i would rather get a boy so they can share a cage. sorry if i am kind of all over the place right now, i am really upset about loosing marla (my sow) please let me know how i can help benny (my boar) not get depressed again.
thank you


First of all, I am sorry for your loss.

Benny is obviously missing Marla which is why he seems sad. However there is nothing to say he will start chewing his back again.

A male would probably be fine except there is always a chance of fighting. For the best chances of good results you need to get a baby male (6 weeks old) as they are normally accepted by adult males.

Good luck and please write back anytime you have questions.
