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Guinea Pig Illness...?

21 14:12:18

I've had my piggy for about 3 years now, and I don't know how old he was when I got him (from Petsmart).  He's always been active and healthy up until recently.  He's lost weight, and hasn't been going to the bathroom much.  He has been eating fairly well.  I give him pellets and fresh fruit and veggies (carrots, oranges, apples, grapes, lettuce).  It seems like (from what I've read) that he may have an impaction.  I'm not sure if this is due to illness or age, or both.  I also noticed that his eyes had discharge, but I'm not sure if it's a lot more than usual or not.  He also seems to be missing some hair on his front legs, but I only noticed this today.  He didn't seem to have the problem before.  I completely cleaned and scrubbed his cage and dishes and got him a new house to hide under in case of infection.  I really can't afford to bring him to a vet, so is there ANYTHING I can do to help him?

Also, I have a rabbit that lives on the other side of the room.  Is there any chance she could become ill as well?  (She seems fine.)

Hi Brianna

Impaction is quite common in adult males and the eye discharge would make sense as he is unable to re-digest some of the poop he produces.

You will need to consult a vet so that they can show you how to help you pig. Its not a nice job as you have to remove the build up of poop from the anus for him.

I dont think you need to worry about the rabbit.
