Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pellets


21 14:28:26

I have only had my guinea pig for 1 1/2 weeks.  She doesn't eat the pellets at all.  I still change them everyday because they end up with bedding in them.  Just wondering what I should do about that.  I do feed her veggies and fruit so she is getting some nutrients.  I just don't know if there is certian things I should give her more of since she isn't eating her pellets?  Thanks for your time!!

Hi Amiee,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have had increasingly problematic issues with my internet as well as having a very busy home life, so I have had delays in responding to all questions in the past two weeks. Apologies if any inconvenience was caused.

Pellets are the least important part of a piggie's diet, so don't worry too much.

First of all, is she on a different food she was on before you got her? A change in food is bound to upset her, so ask the place oyou bought/adopted her from what she was fed on and get some of that. You can then, over 2-3 weeks, increase the amount of new food you feed her so that the transition is gradual rather than complete.

Make sure the pellets she is on doesn't contain seeds and colored biscuits as these are, in a word, junk. Oxbow sell a superb plain pellet called Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, or Cavy Performance if your guinea is under 6-8 months. Kleenmama's ( in the US, or Burgess Supa Guinea Excel in the UK, are both good plain pellets to feed.

Are you feeding grass hay? Unlimited amounts of any type of grass hay - timothy, meadow, orchard-grass, brome, oat - is essential for teeth wear, digestion and basic nutrients which, in a few words, "helps glue poop together"!

As for veggies, these are the best ones to feed daily:

Coriander (Cilantro)
Lettuces - romaine, cos, boston/bibb/butterhead, round, loose leaf, red leaf, lollo rosso, red batavia, mizuna etc. (any but iceberg, which has no nutrition).
Corn husks and silks (leaves and strings)
Peppers - all colors, no seeds
Cucumber - in limited amounts as it is so high in water
Cherry tomatoes - whole (you can remove the seeds) without the green top.

For more nutrition advice, copy and paste the following link in your browser address bar:

It is normal for some piggies not to eat in the first weeks after you bring them home, so don't hang around after you feed the veggies as some piggies are just nervous when strange people are around, watching them eat. Make sure hay and pellets are available all the time, day and night.

If you require any further help, let me know and I will be glad to assist.

Best Wishes,

- Laura