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guienna pig and pneumonia

21 14:24:24

My guienna pig was dianogised with pneumonia.  It has been month and I give him .25 Dox and .50 Baytrill daily.  It cleared up and is now it is bad again his breathing.  I feel so bad.  He is eating and drinking.  What else can I do - get a humdifier ?  How can I help him breath better?
Thank you, Julie

You can also add to the antibiotics, 1/8 tsp Robutussin DM cough syrup twice a day, and a dab of vicks vapor rub on its nose up to 4 times a day. It also helps if the pig is placed in the bathroom during showers, a humidifier would also help. Just avoid any drafts or change in tempurature, and throughly bleach the cage when he gets better. I also have some more information on my website under upper respiratory infections, which may help, . Let me know if you have any more questions.