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sudden death in guinea pigs

21 14:27:59

I had 2 female guinea pigs, about 2 weeks ago i noticed the elder pig was lethargic, i made her comfortable and when i went to check on her an hour later she had died. She was quite old so i accepted it as old age. Yesterday, i noticed the other guinea pig was also looking lathargic, i bought her indoors and did my best to look after her. She was floppy and lethargic and had frequent convulsions, she seemed in alot of pain and it was an extremlely distressing death. This guinea pig was only 2 years old. I was wondering if you had any idea of what she may have died of? i also have a rabbit is kept in the same garage as the guinea pigs were but in a separate cage. Do you think he will be at risk?

Was the garage air conditioned? Guinea Pigs can easily die from heat strokes in which they will become lethargic and have convulsions, any tempurature above 80 degrees puts a guinea pig at risk for seizures. Other than that they could have died from Scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency or an Upper Respiratory Infection. If they had an Upper Respiratory the rabbit may be at risk in getting it. Rabbits can also get Heat Stroke, but they can take a higher tempurature, typically above 85 degrees can send a rabbit into heat stroke. Guinea Pigs are also sensitive to fumes, such as exaust. Let me know if you have any more questions.