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Stanley is sneezing

21 14:17:02

Hey Jules!  It's Sarah, Stanley and Nolan.  Stanley started sneezing today.  It's been quite a bit.  But he's still very active, running and playing and eating.  Should I be concerned?  Talk back soon!!!

Hey Sarah,

Some sneezing is completely normal, just as with humans. However, if Stanley is sneezing all the time, or is sneezing a lot in combination with other symptoms, he may then have a bacterial infection or other illness.

If Stanley is sniffling, wheezing, constant sneezing, runny nose, Stanley probably has a bacterial infection or other illness. Separate him from Nolan, you might have to immediately so Nolan doesn't catch the disease. If it doesn't clear up on its own in a day or two, take him to a vet because he may need to be given antibiotics before he will get better. Make sure your vet never prescribes Amoxicillin, because it's deadly to guinea pigs and some vets don't realize this. If the vet prescribes any sort of antibiotic, you should give the guinea pig a supplement of lactobacillus acidophilus (you can find this in health food stores) or live culture yogurt, so that the antibiotic doesn't kill the good bacteria in the stomach that enable digestion. Also, make sure he has plenty of water and that the room is kept at a constant comfortable temperature, neither too warm nor too cold.

Remember though that the occasional sneeze is completely normal, also he could be sneezing due to an allergy of some sort. If he shows any of the signs of illness above then watch him for a day or two and see if it doesn't clear up on it's own. If not then take him down to see an exotic vet.

Take care now and I hope this helps,