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I just got my first guinea...

21 14:41:23

I just got my first guinea pig two weeks ago he is almost four months old and is a male. I feed him every morning with fresh food which is his pellets that i was given to by the store i got him from, hay, oatmeal, and i give him carrot shaving. i switch it up with his food usually, and at night or during the afternoon i will give him a little more of some kind and maybe some grass from outside. i dont want to over feed him or not feed him correctly is there anything i should know? And is there other types of fruits or vegtables i can try? thankyou for your time

Hello Autumn

You certainly can over-feed guinea pigs, and he will eat and eat until he literally bursts if you let him, and we certainly don't want that.

My advice would be to give him 2 meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. One of these meals should be his dry food and one fresh vegetables and fruit. He also needs a daily supply of hay.

Vegetables to feed your piggy are : Carrots, celery, apples, pears, oranges, cucumber, lettuce (not too much), brocolli (not too much) fact almost any fruit or vegetable is fine. I would particularly advocate giving him orange at least once per week because they are so rich in vitamin c.

Hope this helps.
