Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > newbrn piglets

newbrn piglets

21 14:33:31

Can the newborn piglets be handled right away? I am a little confused about the seperation process, I know I had to take out the male so she don't get pregnat again, but the newborns have to be seperated as well if so when is the time for me to seperate?  Is their every a time that they can be togheter without getting pregnant?  

Hi Michelle,

Yes, newborn guinea pig pups (yes that is what they are called in the US), can be handled immediately.  In fact the more you handle them the more sociable they will be.  Just make sure you take Mom and babies out together.  Mom will get nervous if she can't find the babies - and the babies become nervous without Mom.  

Male pups should be separated from the females (including Mom) by the time they are 4 weeks of age.  Guinea pigs can and do get pregnant very young.  They will be fully weaned by the time they are four weeks old.  You can leave the females with Mom if you want to.

No, unless a guinea pig is neutered (possible, but difficult to find a vet to do it) you can not keep boars (males) and sows (females) together at any time in their lives after 4 weeks of age.  If they can hear each other across the room they are happy just knowing there is another piggie nearby.  You, of course, need to pay attention to any piggie, and extra attention to guinea pigs who don't have cage mates.  You could put the baby boar in with the dad, at least for a while.  They should be fine unless Dad gets grumpy as the baby reaches a more mature age.

I hope this helps.  Let me know if I can be of any more help.
