Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > the disease is tyzeers disease...

the disease is tyzeers disease...

21 14:35:37

the disease is tyzeers disease ive looked it up its on,i hav'nt had the results from the post mortem yet i hope its not that cause my other pigs may of caught it.i'll just be happy when i get the results.all my other pigs seem ok at the minute.i have just bought a shed for the pigs and inside i have put a hutch so they can use as a house i have put woodshavings,hay,tunnels and pipes in there so they have the run of the shed they seem to love it but i am worried about spikey the oldest one because ive put the 3 younger ones in so they are all together spikey was just in a cage before for 3yrs with his brother who died first.he is very plasid i dont want him to get bullied he seems to run away from jack.jack was in with snowy and zac was in with joey who has just died so now its all changed.snowy used to bully jack i think snowy is the boss though.zac is the blind pig he tries to stay away from trouble hes made his own little house.will spikey be ok in there with the 3 brothers? i cant watch them all the time.thanks!!!!!!!!

Hi again Gaynor

It will be quite natural for one pig to chase and even hump another. This is basically the procedure they go through to decide which pig is "the boss."

As long as they is no scracthing or biting all should be fine. I recommend you spend 1/2 hour watching them though to make sure their behaviour isnt too agreesive.
