Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > New guinea pig may be sick

New guinea pig may be sick

21 14:05:32

We just bought a guinea pig less then a week ago for our daughter... this morning he looked very tired and is breathing heavy.... he is drinking and was eating as of last night.... we have him in a cage alone... he is a young pig... should we be very concerned?

Hi Valerie,

Heavy breathing is not a good sign. It could be that he has a respiratory problem that will need vetinary treatment, or it could be that he has an allergy. If it's come on suddenly, I'd suggest you take him to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet ASAP. He or she will be able to give him a full examination and start the appropriate course of action. If they say he has an allergy it could be due to a number of things; does anyone in your house smoke or have you recently decorated? If not, try changing to a different brand of bedding and see if this helps.

Whilst you wait to get him a vet, try getting him out of his cage to see if that helps. Make sure he's got plenty of fresh water and give him his favourite foods to nibble on.

Hope this helps, good luck and if you have any other questions - just ask!
