Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pigs are picking on one in pacticluar.

My guinea pigs are picking on one in pacticluar.

21 14:05:32

I have five guinea pigs and only one gets picked on. They're all fully grown and I'm very worried. One of them won't let her near the food and the rest keep hurting her. at the moment he has a cut on his back about 1 and a half cm long. I'm getting worried because it only started about a month ago.

What sex are your guinea pigs? If they are living in a mix sexed group, this could be causing tension, so I recommend you keep the males and the females separately. Females can live in large groups, but males get on best in pairs, and any time you put males and females together there's a strong chance of pregnancy.

If your guinea pig is being physically hurt, then the best thing to do will be to put him or her in a separate cage. All piggies squabble from time to time, but when blood is drawn it shouln't be taken lightly. Try to put the new cage somewhere where the other cage is still in sight, so they can chat for company. If your injured piggy has an ally, put that piggy in the new cage too. In time, you may be able to reintroduce the whole group.

You will need to keep the cut clean to prevent infection. I recommend for any lotions you need. Give the injured piggy a close examination to make sure he/she doesn't have any other injuries.

Hope this helps, good luck, and if you have any other questions - just ask!
