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guinea pigs roy and pregnant tina

21 14:25:41

Hi, i am a bit doubtful about how to care about tina who is now pregnant!! shall i continue bringing her out of her cage for her hour or 2 excercise daily? Shall i give her her normal diet? Shall i keep her with the other guinea pig in her cage? Is she supposed to eat more?

I read all your guinea pig information in the site it was really helpful!! Thank you

Thanks again

She can still come out of her cage for exercise, once she gets to be 3 weeks before her due date though she needs to be held less, no more than 2 times a day, and special care needs to be taken in picking her up, as her belly will be big. She can still have a normal diet, just make sure she is getting plenty of vitamins from veggies and fruits, and also vitamin supplements if possible, also give her lots of Timothy hay, and of course pellets. You can keep the male in with her for another 4 weeks, as long as they are getting along, any females can be left in the cage, also as long as they get along. She may or may not eat more, most will once they reach the 4th week, this is when development spurts for the babies, some sows do eat noticably different amounts, and some do not.