Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > how and what do i do?

how and what do i do?

21 14:40:47

how do i take care of the little ones once they are born? Do i help her once she gives birth?
doese she cut the umbilical cord her self or do i have to? please help me because she is due aney time now!.

Hi Angie-
To be honest, you don't do much!  The mom takes care of most of it.  She will cut the umbilical cord by biting it, it should never be cut because that causes hemmorage.  The babies are born in a little sac, and as she cleans the sac off them so they can breath she'll get the cord.  Sometimes she's leaves a bit hanging, you may pinch that off (not closer than 1 inch) if its still really long after a few days, but usually they take care of it.  If for some reason she doesn't get the sac off the babies face, you can get it off using a dry towel or rag, but just do the face.  The mom will take care of the rest of the body.  Guinea pigs make great moms, have faith in her!  Keep giving her lots of dark veggies so she'll have the vitamins she needs and energy - lactating is the single most energy expedient there is!
Happy Babying!