Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > im sad

im sad

21 14:16:18

QUESTION: hi, i got my first guinea pig just about 3 weeks ago she so cute and the next day i got one of her baby's from a pet store . They were acting happy and fine until the next week the mother didn't wanna eat and started grinding its teeth well her teeth broke off in her mouth and my boyfriend got them out  i don't know why they did but i think she might of been sick.Now her baby's acting up not wanting to eat or drink and has sorta warty white stuff coming out of its eye please tell me if shes going to make it i am getting attached and i am sad to say this but i woke up and found the mother dead.I hope that i have time to save her baby.

It sounds like the baby may have URI (Upper Respitoriy Infection). Here is a list of signs of URI if the baby is showing any of them other then not eating or drinking get the baby to the vet ASAP for treatment otherwise you'll loose it also. The white stuff coming out of the eye is normal eye discharge, Guinea Pigs use it to moisten their eyes and clean their face, most pet owners don't notice it as once it appears the Guinea pig normal wipes it away.

Refusal to eat or drink
No feces (as a result of not eating)
Labored breathing, wheezing
Sneezing, coughing
Crusty eyes, eyes that are almost sealed shut
Discharge from eyes or nose
Dull and/or receding eyes
Rough or puffed-up coat
Lethargy, hunched posture

It could also be pneumonia, or even anorexia. Here are some  causes of anorexia as signs for pneumonia are pretty much the same as URI.

Changes in diet
Wide temperature swings
Water deprivation
Loss of a cage mate
Mechanical problems with feeders or sipper tubes
Food changes (too hard or unpalatable food or a poorly designed diet)
Dental malocclusion
Loss of smell
Oral lacerations
Infectious diseases (such as pneumonia)
Metabolic disorders such as Vitamin C deficiency or renal failure
Analgesic use can cause anorexia

Either way you should take her to the vet and have her checked out and treated. As all of the above are serious conditions and should be taken to a vet.

I hope this helps and that everything is alright with the baby.
         Take care now,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no i was too late to find this site i am so upset right now but i will get over it she died about an hour ago. I think that u were right though could the mother have gotten her baby sick?  


I am so sorry that you lost both of them. It is hard to loose them when you have grown so attached to them.

Yes, the mother could very easily have gotten her baby sick. Guinea Pigs can spread illnesses easily from one to the other, that is why when one is suspected to be sick it is best to put the one that might be sick in another cage in another room for quarantine so the other Guinea Pigs don't get it to.

Again I am sorry.
 I hope this helps,
    Take care now,