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Pigs Irritating Each other

21 14:07:41


I have two guinea pigs....Pepper and Oreo.  Oreo is about 2 years old and Pepper is about 17 months old.  They have been sharing a cage since I got Pepper and they absolutely loved each other and never fought.  Recently I noticed Pepper squealing A LOT!  It is really getting on my nerves and I dont want to have to buy another pen....I spied on them one day and Oreo was sitting behind pepper and kinda biting her hair (Pepper has long crazy hair)  So its not so much they are fighting...its more that Oreo is aggrivating Pepper? I already bathed them both and cleaned thier pen really good and they were okay for about a day...
Please help!

Hi Jill

Sometimes pig do chew each other's hair which can cause annoyance. This behaviour is usually indicative of either being a bit bored or a lack of hay. If you feel hay daily, I would suggest giving more exercise time and toys in the first instance.

If the behaviour continues please let me know.
