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Guinea pig living alone

21 14:24:32

My guinea pig Elmo is nearly 4 and is now living alone in his cage since his brother died a while ago. I can't buy another one to go in with him as he is hostile to other guinea pigs. I sit and cuddle him and spend time wit him everyday and place little treats such as carrot or apple chunks around his hutch to find and eat when I'm not around. He seems quite happy and loves the attention, but im just wondering if there is anything more that i can do to improve his quality of life?

Hello Nicky,

He will be ok on his own. If you can though, it would be good for him to have a neighbor. Another piggy who lives in a cage nextdoor to his cage. They can benefit greatly from having friend nextdoor, even if they don't want a friend in their house. If that's not an option, just continue to give him lots of attention. Toys are also good. Pet safe stuffed animals tend to be a favorite and so do kitty jingle balls. Toilet paper tubes stuffed with hay and an end folded over also make fun toys. Hope this has helped!
