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Hair Loss And blood in urine

21 14:46:58

I'm really happy to find this site as i'm really helpless now. I have 2 male guinea pigs and 1 of them just pass away most probably die of cancer which the vet was unable to confirm. The only pig that is left(i call him baby), was oncwe chubby and active but has also lost alot of weight recently and seems depress and frighten after his buddy pass away. Recently, he actually bites off all the hair on 2 of his rear thigh and the skin is being exposed and turn into dark brown in colour. Or can it be the hair drop off itself? Can i know whats the problem and what can i do?

And just yesterday, i realise when he pees, the urine is red in colour! It is mostly consist of blood instead of urine. Is this fatal? Should i bring him to the vet immediately or is there any remedy to treat him?

I just lost one of my piggy and i really dun wanna lose baby as well. Hope that you can help me and get back to me asap.

With many thanks!


Hi Lyn,
I am Very sorry to hear about your loss.
Baby must be feeling very depressed about losing his friend.
The symptons of hair falling out though might not be related, your guinea-pig could have mites or an infection.
I am not sure about the red urine, but this could be fatal!
Take Baby to the vet immediatley!!! Guinea-pigs are very weak and ANY sign of sickness could result in death less than a day later.
I hope this is enough information.
I am once again sorry about your loss.