Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > when can i start handling baby guinea pigs?

when can i start handling baby guinea pigs?

21 14:07:09

Hi Jenny-

My guinea pig just had 4 babies a few hours ago and they are absolutely
adorable! I was just wondering when I should start handling the babies. I've
heard a lot of mixed answers, so I'm confused. If I handle them too soon, will
the mother reject her babies?

Thanks for reading. I look forward to your answer.


Hi Harris,

Wait for 48 hours before handling the babies. When you do, make sure you don't take them out of their mother's sight, or they will all squeak in distress. Perhaps get someone else to sit next to you and hold mum. The reason it is best not to handle new babies for the first 48 hours until their mother is used to looking after them, is that otherwise she may reject them if she takes on a human scent. Don't hold the babies for too long the first time. Once they're a week old you'll be able to cuddle them properly.

Baby guinea pigs are capable of eating solid food as soon as they've had their first milk feed, so make sure you put some extra stuff in at meal time. They will also want to drink from the water bottle, so make sure it's low enough for the little ones to reach. They will however continue to suckle from mum until they are three weeks of age. You will be able to tell at around two weeks whether they are boys or girls; you'll need to take any boys away from their mum and sisters before they're four weeks old (make sure they have stopped drinking her milk, first) unless you want another litter! Even if you do want some more babies, you should give the mum a bit of a break between pregnancies.

If you have any other questions ... just ask!

Enjoy your new piggies - they are the cutest thing ever but they'll grow fast!
