Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what to feed and not to feed!

what to feed and not to feed!

21 14:44:45

I was Just wondering what the best thing to feed a guinea Pig and some of the things you should never feed a guinea Pig.......
Also if maybe you might know some of the sign's of sickness with guinea Pigs?

HI Jacalynn,
Sorry that it took some time to reply.
Guinea pigs mostly eat vegetables. They usually like carrots, lettuce, cucumber, peppers and corn. They also go crazy for grass.
Not all guinea pigs like the same things though, some may like a particular type of vegetable more than others.
Try experimenting and see what your guinea pig likes best.
Don't feed your guinea pig apples or potatoes. Apples have acid and potatoes can have poisinous bits.
Some signs of sickness could be diarea, scratching, redness and just any odd behaviour,
I hope this helps.
If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to ask.