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My Skittish Guinea Pig

21 13:50:14

Hi my name is Brittney and I just recently bought a Guinea Pig from a pet store. When I bought her one of the workers had told me that she had been alone in the cage for quite some time. Well I brought her home and she seems to be really skittish and jumpy she bites often, I have had  guinea Pigs in the past but they never acted like this. I was wanting to now if there is any way possible that I can just calm her down and show her that she will be safe. If you could help me out I would really appreciate it!


Guinea Pigs don't usually bite so make sure she is getting enough to eat and gnaw on. If she has been alone for some time she may be lonely and skittish and guinea pigs are better with company.
To calm her down you need to make sure you visit her often (at least 2 times a day), when you go to pick her up let her smell your hand and then gently pick her up by cupping one hand underneath her belly and the other around her bottom. Talk to her before you do this or sing gently so she can get used to your voice and know it is you there. Then sit on the floor with her in your lap still singing or talking and feed her a treat or fruit/vegetable so it is an enjoyable experience for her to come out.
You can also let her run around the floor of a small room while you lie on the floor reading a book or something and she can explore everything and you. Start by having her near you though and slowly she should start gaining your trust.
I hope this helps and good luck