Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > mabey she has pnmonia????

mabey she has pnmonia????

21 14:34:58

i was playing with the piggy that i talked to you about earlier,the one who sounded like she was throwing up...and she has crust all blocking her nostrils. i removed it and she seemed like she could breathe better but she hasnt been eating. could she have pnemonia? i made an appt with her vet for tomorrow at 330, is that soon enough? i hope so cause i cant do much else. and if she has pnemonia should i take mom to the vet as well? is it contagious?

Hello! yes I really think she has an upper respiratory infection. It is contagious, but I am not sure if it contagious in humans. I would ask the vet about that and let me know if it is too so I can pass it along to others. I haven't been able to find whether or not it's contagious in humans or not. I've never known anyone to get it from a guinea pig though. 3:30pm should be fine. He won't die of hunger or thirst in one day. He should survive over the night. Keep me posted on what the vet says tomorrow. I'll be waiting to hear from you because I would really like to be informed on your piggy as well. Good luck and I hope your cute piggy gets better :-)