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young pregnant cavy

21 14:13:55

I got two girl guinea pigs at the age of about 8 weeks old. A week later 1 pig was jumping on the other. we soon realized 1 cavy was a male and we brought him back  pretty quickly. But now I'm not sure if she is pregnent or not, I hear it takes litterally 1 second to get them pregnant. She drinks a looooot and she's been acting really different. Is something wrong with her?

Hi Carolyn

You are right, it doesnt take long for a female to become pregnant when she is in season.

Typical signs of pregnancy are increased thirst and appetite, weight gain and she may also lie flat when you pet her. I would advise you weigh her each day to see if she gains weight.

This seems to be the most likely reason for her behaviour, but if you are worried, please consult a vet or write back with more details of what you think is different.
