Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > cavie broke an incisor

cavie broke an incisor

21 14:24:18


We have 2 10-month old males.  They've been very happy & healthyh so far.  I
just noticed tonight one was unable to bite into a baby carrot (their favorites)  
or a crisp pear.  When I shaved pieces off for him he gobbled it down.  I can't
see his gum line, but an incisor either broke off very short or it fell out.  I
don't think it's been long; he was greedy for treats but bright eyed & busy; I'm
not sure how he's doing on his pellets.

What should I do?

Broken teeth can often be from fighting, especially between males. The other tooth if possible will need to be trimmed down to the same length as the other one, unless the other one has fallen out, that way he can eat semi-normally. The tooth will grow a little bit, but in order for the pig to properly chew it would be best to have it trimmed by a vet, unless little of the tooth was broken or all of it was broken. Just watch him carefully, it would also be best to separate the males, once a male senses a disadvantage in another it will take over the cage, it is just a part of nature. Let me know if you have any more questions.