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Possible broken abck

21 13:48:25

Hello I'm Christiana I have a Ginnie Pig her name Is Bella.. My dauhgter plays with her all the time until last night I went to go check on her and found out from my 4 yaer old that she hit her on her back easy because bella didn't want to play now bella stays one place all the time she wouldn't eat or drink anything I was told to take to the ER but It would be too expensive can a broken back be fixed???? what can I do?? should i put her to sleep I hate to see her suffer.. help please Thank you..

This is one of those questions that nobody wants to have to answer because the answer is not what you want to hear. If indeed it's a spinal injury it is not fixable. A trip to the animals ER would be outrageously expensive.  They may be able to Xray her to see if she's suffered a spinal fracture. Unfortunately it won't change the outcome.

If she is moving at all and has a back or spinal injury she is in great pain. I know you know in your heart that she should be euthanized to end her suffering. There are two options you may consider:

You can take her to your vet to have it done or if you would like to I will send you a private message with my e-mail address.  When you send me yours I will e-mail you as to how to do it without causing her any pain or discomfort whatsoever. It involves nothing hands on on your part and is a gentle way to do this.

This is one of those terrible choices that I'm unable to make for you. I'm so very sorry you are having to go through this.