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Recovering from Surgery - Guinea Pig

21 14:07:19

My guinea pig, Dolly, had a large bump on her back for a couple of months, and when it started to blister, we took her to the vet.  He said that it was a sebaceous cyst, and that the best way to deal with it was to remove it.  Otherwise, he felt that she needed to be put down.  We paid the $700.00 for the surgery and everything worked out "as well as it could have" according to the veterinarian.  However, today I noticed that she was biting at the part of the scab she could reach, and running frantically in circles, trying to reach the part that she can't.  I'm quite scared about the effects of this, and since she just had the staples removed from the surgery, I thought that it still might hurt her if she pulled the scab off.  I'm not sure whether she's in pain or if she's itchy, but either way I want to try to stop it.  Am I right to worry about this?  Or is she doing something completely natural?  Thanks so much in advance.  

P.S.  I did give her half a dose of her after-surgery medicine, do you think this is helping, and should I continue to give it to her?

Hi Allison

You should continue to give the medecine the vet gave you as he is the expert.

I think its totally natural for Dolly to be uncomfortable in the area the wound is. I would normally suggest putting tea tree oil on the area to soothe it, but perhaps give the vet a call first to check he is ok with that.
