Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pigs leg, seams to be broken

My guinea pigs leg, seams to be broken

21 14:26:43

He seems to be eating,i have not sceen him drink but then again i have not been watching him.i gave him a peice or fruit and he started to eat it, and it is gone now.

Followup To

Question -
I own a guinea pig that is fairly young(3-5 months, and he had a nasty fall earlier, and one leg now seems to be droopy.His toes will not spread apart and he can't bend it at all.When he walks, he holds his leg up when he walks, and he doesn't show signs that it hurts, he doesn'y squeal when we touch it.

Thanks for your help.

Answer -
Hello, your guinea pig is probably in pain since he is lifting his leg up. He really does need to go to a vet an dget an x-ray to see if the leg is sprained or broken. That's the best thing to do and I would do it is as soon as possible. Is he eating and drinking okay too? I hope he is because guinea pigs need to keep eating to keep their bowels and stomach healthy. Good luck and keep me posted.

Okay if he's eating and you honestly can't find a way to take him to a vet then let it heal on it's own since he's eating and drinking. The vet would probably give you pain and anti-inflammatory medication as well as a cast for your guinea pig. In all honesty I would take mine to a vet so his leg can heal properly and the bones will heal in the right place. Good luck. :-)