Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Taking care of my new guinea pig.

Taking care of my new guinea pig.

21 14:41:48

Dear Samantha,

I got a new guinea pig four days ago. He is very shy. He always hides in the corner. When I put his log-house in the cage he would hide in there and never come out. When I try to hold it, it would scratch me. He would run away when I go near it. I hope it was a good idea to take out his log-house. I have a feeling he would hide in the house for life. I feed it watermelon, Alfafa Hay, and two types of guinea pig food. Am I doing good? I also hung a treat on the top of the cage using some string. I hope he will eat it. When his nails get long how should i trim it? How can I make it use to being held and petted. Also could you tell me some good food recipes, treats, homemade toys, and entertainment. I'm sorry I asked so many questions,but I'm just concerned. Please answer my questions. Thank you for your help.=)



One NO-NO judging that you problary got your guinea pig from the pet shop, he is problary 3-6 weeks and he dosn't need the HIGH AMOUNT of calcum that Alfafa has...
  feed him timothy hay and DON't Use string.
You can buy a ball that you can put food in - they sell them at pets shops!
Also I don't use LOG (wood?) because It would be hard to wash and you cant see threw them. I wse igloos! The plastic ones!
 *** You just got your guinea pig 4 days ago?
      *DON'T put the house in yet leet him get used to the surroundings and the smell of people.
      hewre is a site that will tell you ablot your treats!

   if you have any more questions ask me at
