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caring for orphaned babies

21 14:45:12

Hello again! Thanks for your help! They have eaten a few pellets, and some carrot and apple. They are still squealing at me for the hand feedings of milk though. They are not to happy with the water bottle yet. Only one has tried it...I think they are holding out for a hand feeding. I will give them water now, only. I want to break them of the hand feeding, because i cannot keep getting up all night to feed them. But will they starve, or eventually give in and take an interest in what is there for them to eat?Can you tell me whay milk is bad for them? The recipe I used was from a guinea pig web site, so I asumed it was safe. Did I harm them by feeding them that for 4 days? Thanks again!-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
Please can you tell me how often i should formula feed my 2 orphaned babies? They are 2 weeks. Mom died 2 days ago. We are managing so far! I am feeding them a combo of milk,drop of honey and human infant vitamins(the vet told me to) but how often should they drink this? I am feeding every 2 hours from droppers. When do i ween them, and how do i introduce them to pellets,hay, the water bottle, etc.? Mom was sick since since the birth, so did not mother too well. Any help would be appreciated as quickly as possible! Thanks!
Answer -
Since they are 2 weeks old, they are perfectly able to be weaned onto hay, pellets, vegetables and the water bottle. Simply put the food in their cage and see what they do. You may need to rub the food on their teeth so they get the taste of it. Stop with the milk and see if they will take water from the water bottle. Milk is not good for cavies at all.

Guinea Pigs are lactose intolerant and cannot have any dairy products in their diets, it can cause them to get upset stomachs. They can only have cavy milk or goats milk.
Add Alfalfa Hay in their diet as it is very important to help them grow as it contains much calcium. Rub the water bottle against their mouth, they will soon get the hang of it.