Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Goofy (old) and Charlie (new)

Goofy (old) and Charlie (new)

21 14:33:56

I just introduced Charlie to Goofy like 2 days ago.....In the process of them being in the same area together.... Goofy makes a low growling noise and walks low to the floor and like shows some white thing by his genital area.....while charlie follows behind him and smells.......
Then Charlie distinctively mounted Goofy and well you know...actually had his way near the genital area though.....This is very strange to me because Goofy is full grown and at least a year old now..and Charlie is only around 3 months old.....

Goofy never tries to mount Charlie....Charlie is the one who does all the mounting...

How do I tell which one is becomet he "boss" of the two.......

Besides all the mounting...the two are getting along great.....And yes both are males......Vet assured.

Thank you so much in advance for any help that you can offer to me and sorry this is so long and in wierd detail!!!

Lol hi Jill

This is a problem I have heard a thousand times before so dont worry about the details!

Charlie is obviously trying to establish himself as the boss as he is doing the mounting. The behaviour is perfectly normal and will settle down very soon I am sure.
