Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig is very scitterish?

My guinea pig is very scitterish?

21 14:09:50

QUESTION: We got a new guinea pig last week. She was taken from her mom given to the store and we bought her the next day.To my knowledge she has not had much human interaction.
I was told she was about 2 months old.
She is VERY jumpy and will not let us pet her or pick her up. When we do she makes noises the whole time, it kind of sounds like the happy sounds but I am pretty sure it is not. And while holding her she is very unstill and always trying to get away?
We left her alone for 2 days and then slowly stared petting her then getting her out.
What should we be doing to help her get used to us and to help her like us?

ANSWER: Hi Tammy

Take a look at the link below.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have read that article and just about every other article out there.
We are doing all of that.
How long until she calms down?
And is there anything specific that you would suggest to make it go more smoothly or do we just need to keep handleing her for short periods and will she eventually start liking it?
Also she is my sons pig, he's 9. Should I let him do all the bonding alone or should I do it also as I have been?

Hello again

I'm sorry that the article didnt answer your questions :(

Please bear in mind that some pigs are more skittish than others but almost all, given time will calm down a lot.

As you say, daily handling is the only way to go and I think this can be done by whoever you trust to handle the pig, so you, your son, other family members etc.

If you hold her each day and gently stroke her and hand-feed her favourite treat, I'm sure she will settle down, she just needs time. Please keep me posted.
