Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea Pig is scratching too much

Guinea Pig is scratching too much

21 13:55:40

My guinea pig is constantly scratching. He scratches and bites himself after I carry him for a while and after he eats. I recently got him have had him for a 12 days and is two months old. I am afraid that he might have mites. I checked him and he doesn't appear to have anything. Vet's are too expensive so I want to avoid taking him to a Vet if I can. What is wrong with him? What should I do?

First of all, give him a dose of ivermectin(you can get it from your vet, and make SURE it is the correct dose!). If it is mites, the ivermectin will clear them up, but if it isn't mites, the ivermectin, if it's a correct dose for your guinea pigs size, won't hurt your guinea pig.
I'm thinking that he either has a fungal infection, or as you mentioned, mites. For information on both of these, you can go to and .
The best thing for your guinea pig right now would be a trip to the vet to be examined. If you are determined not to spend the money though, that is your choice and I can't change your mind.
I hope the ivermectin clears everything up, and that you have no more problems like this with your guinea pig!
And feel free to contact me if you have any other questions!