Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > advice


21 13:45:47

my guinea pig had his eye removed on thursday was sent home with pain killers now he seems to be having a smelly discharge from the wound...should he not be on antibiotics?

Anytime a wound of any kind has a discharge and takes on a foul smell there's a problem. It often means infection and decayed tissue. Since the surgery was only three days ago the best advice I can give you is to contact your vet, immediately.

Although I would have expected that the vet would have put him on an antibiotic, not being there or knowing why the surgery had to be done in the first place makes it difficult as an outsider to say the vet did or did not make the right choice. Please don't hesitate to go back to the office and have the little guy looked at to see what is going on.