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Guinea pig acting weird.

21 13:45:47

My guinea pig is purposely tilting his water bowl repeatedly & dropping all the water. I have had him for 7 months & he never used to do this before but recently he has started doing it almost always. I have seen him biting the edge of the water bowl & picking it up to tilt it & drop all the water or turn the bowl upside down. He is doing it on purpose! Why is he doing this? Doesnt he want any water to drink?

Your piggie is just playing around, I bet! Did the place where you got your piggie use bowls for water or did they use bottles with a metal sipper coming off the top.  Your piggie may be used to the bottle sipper rather than the dish. But, if he has always used a dish then he just wants you to play with him more. He is asking for attention.
Good Luck, Cindy