Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Winter and other things..?

Winter and other things..?

21 14:24:40

i was wondering ... if my guinea pig will be ok through the winter as he is living in my shed .. he seams to be ok as the temps have dropped and he's ok but im worried that it will get that bit too cold .

also as he is the only piggy i have as the other one passed away [through no fault of anyone] .. weather he would take to a new companion or if i should leave him alone .
i keep trying new toys and different things and am a little worried that he is getting bored sat alone in the cage 24/7

sorry for rambeling on

raich + piggy

Your piggy IS probably going to need to be moved into your house if the temperature gets to be lower than 50 degrees. Your piggy would most likely want a new friend. It would probably be best to ADOPT either a very young male (4-8 weeks) or a SPAYED female (any age). I hope your piggy doesn't get too bored in the meanwhile.